Posted on: August 29, 2013 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0


Christina Ricci, Tom Beringer, and Jason Gedrick (from TV’s Dexter, Luck) star in War Flowers, a film set during the American Civil War. Despite being separated by 150 years, the emotions that are held by the movie’s characters will resound loudly to anyone that has loved their family or struggled for something better. Ricci’s love conundrum – seemingly losing her husband during the hostilities, a new figure of masculinity comes into the picture – will have viewers wondering what will ultimately happen.  Viewers will be transported to a more simple time without fail; the cast and crew do a tremendous job in making every utterance, costume, and set period-accurate.

Quite possibly the strongest effort on War Flowers is turned in by Brian Balzerini (The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Kill the Irishman). Balzerini’s Private Perry may have a small role but tears up the scenery, portending big things for the fresh-faced actor.

The video quality of this DVD is excellent, ensuring that there are vibrant skintones while keeping the costuming and set design draw viewers in. The audio mix utilized in this DVD is similarly strong, ensuring that any bit of dialogue is properly captured. Individuals that are interested in purchasing a copy of War Flowers would do well to purchase a copy of the movie from online retailers, which are offering the film for around $10.

Rating: 8.7/10

War Flowers DVD Review / 2013 Green Apple Entertainment / 98 Minutes /

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