Posted on: November 25, 2013 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0


Formerly of Broken Poets, Lana Antropova has just released new music as Addicted to Pop. Over the course of five tracks, the mystique behind the new act is explored and Antropova is able to forge a bold new course with her musical career. This self-titled EP begins with Outcast. Outcast has a high amount of energy and immediately privileges the instrumental side of things. When Antropova’s vocals kick in, the track subtly takes on elements of Lady Gaga and Madonna. I feel that the vocal/instrumental distinction is very natural; the instrumental side has no problem furthering the narration of the track while the vocals continually bolster the instrumentation during tracks like My Real Name and Fleeing Time. The World Around Us updates the electro-pop of acts like the Pet Shop Boys and Amber with a simply stunning set of vocals. As the track rumbles on to the chorus, the resulting change in tempo will permanently ensnare listeners.

Mail-Order Bride is the final effort on the EP; the track showcases a never-say-die spirit that has Lana infuse her style with electro-pop trappings. The track has a crisp and sparkling arrangement, providing the perfect highs and lows upon which the vocals rest. As Addicted to Pop moves to the chorus, the resulting tempo shift creates some of the most catchy lines we’ve heard all year. There is a certain undefinable quality to Addicted to Pop that stands out from the heap of music that we receive on a regular basis; I would like to see how Antropova tackles a full-length album under the Addicted to Pop nom-de-plume. Visit her Soundcloud or Reverbnation for more information.

Top Tracks: My Real Name, The World Around Us

Rating: 8.4/10

Addicted to Pop S/T EP Review / 2013 Self / 5 Tracks / /

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