Posted on: November 26, 2013 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

In the season’s spirit of giving, OWSLA has teamed up with electronic music nonprofit Bridges For Music for their first annual Nestivus holiday charity drive. To mark the occasion, OWSLA is turning the month of December into an online advent calendar for users of its Drip.FM-hosted premium subscription service, Nest IV, releasing special gifts from the likes of Dog Blood, Jack Beats and more on a daily basis, beginning with a set of VIP Destructo remixes. To add to the festivities, the prominent label has lowered the rates for Nest IV subscriptions (which grant members first listens to OWSLA releases, access to Nest-only releases as well as a plethora of exclusive goodies) from $12 to $9 from now until December 24. All profits made from new and existing subscriptions for the month will be donated directly to Bridges For Music to assist in their building of a music school in Langa Township, Cape Town, South Africa, a township with a vibrant music scene where house music has become a driven force for the youth. Bridges For Music actively supports electronic music development in developing countries, leaving a positive impact in disadvantaged communities and helping to raise global awareness about local issues through music. The organization embodies the mantra that in our globalized world electronic music is a universal language for giving back and dismantling socio-economic boundaries between the rich and poor.


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