There is an organic sound to Sunset Rubdown that really gives the entirety of this EP a sound that can not be pinned down to any specific period of time. Further tracks, such as “Jason Believes Me…” seems to take equal apart from 60s pop-rock and “Major Tom”-era David Bowie. The activist drums present on this track do not allow the song to be that easily categorized, and really provide something to grip onto that diametrically opposes the vocals on the track.
The atmosphere that opens up “A Day In The Graveyard II” really allows the Peter Murphy / David Bowie type sound to flourish, creating a very catchy type of song to be created over what sounds very childish in regards to the instrumentation. The organic sound of the disc continues with a drum beat that approximates stomping, while the tambourine can be tied together with a high-pitched human voice. “A Day In The Graveyard” is the perfect introduction to the second half of the EP, as it really wipes the slate clean for Sunset Rubdown while still continuing the rich narrative tradition that threads itself throughout the disc. The shuffling, shambling beat of “Three Colours II” is perhaps the closest that Sunset Rubdown gets to perfection on this disc. The robust tambourine and bevy of different interests that end the disc really give Sunset Rubdown carte blanche for the next album.
The array of different styles and instruments that make their presence known during the EP is more than anything should legally be allowed to stick on an album. More so than the talent that is brought to the disc, the production of this EP needs volumes spoken about it. In much of the same way as the music that influenced Sunset Rubdown, the style of this production is firm yet supple, pliable and life-changing all at the same time. What is exactly on the docket for the new EP/LP? I would have to say that more of the same is not necessarily a bad thing; the interplay between the music and vocals on each of the disc’s four vocal tracks should be enough to have listeners thirsting for more. For the next wave of indie rock, one needs to look back about thirty years for inspiration; Sunset Rubdown does that and more, making this EP an unqualified success in all senses of the term.
Top Track: Three Colours II
Rating: 8.0/10
Sunset Rubdown – S/T EP / 5 Tracks / [email protected] / / Reviewed 21 February 2006