“Power World” is a strong opening for Terry Sullivan. I must say that before this album I had little clue who Terry Sullivan was, but I feel bad now because I had no previous knowledge of eir. The opening track here blends together a classic Tom Petty type of sound with a snarky early nineties alternative sound to create something that individuals will be singing along with for a long time to come. Terry Sullivan has ensnared listeners from the onset here, and it will just be time that tells whether the subsequent tracks on this album will continue this strong opening. It takes eir a few seconds, but “Lorelei” is much of the same.
The style shifts slightly to focus on a more Bowie-esque sound, but individuals are kept on their feet in much the same way as they were during “Power World”. “Lorelei” encapsulates Sullivan in an early eighties rock bubble and the thing tendrils of the guitars here allow eir to dominate eir audience fully. The big test for Sullivan in the early goings of eir album has to be “Mr. Completely”. During “Mr. Completely”, Sullivan has to create over six minutes of material that will properly motivate eir listeners. In an approach that sounds similar to both Devo and Barnes and Barnes, the slightly more industrial approach of “Mr. Completely” keeps the flow of the disc while forging out in bold new directions.
The first track in which Sullivan does not seem to have a full command of all listening in has to be “Blue Star”. While the track is solid (and there is really no debate to that), Sullivan’s sedate approach to this track does not have the attractiveness of a track like “Lorelei”. This is something that disappears fully by the time that Sullivan gets to the chorus of “Lamplight”. In this track, Sullivan has recalled the power of an eighties Axl Rose while using the guitars of a Tom Morello to create a more classical sounding Audioslave. This is what Sullivan needed coming out of a track that did not necessarily live up to the high standards of the rest of the disc, and goes further in showing individuals that Sullivan will not begin to close up shop after the midpoint of the disc. If you can find this album and like hard-hitting pop-influenced rock, Sullivan’s latest album is the album to pick up.
Top Tracks: Lorelei, Lamplight
Rating: 6.8/10
Terry Sullivan – The Erth Moovs Around The Sun / 2006 Good Charamel / 11 Tracks / http://www.t-sullivan.com / http://www.goodcharmamelrecords.com / Reviewed 15 October 2006