Inch’Allah is a tremendously affecting film, and showcases the plight of those currently living in the West Bank. Set through the eyes of Chloe (Evelyne Brochu, of Orphan Black), a doctor that has been assigned with the Red Crescent. The sheer gap between the living situations in Jerusalem and the West Bank is shown with heart-wrenching detail, while every individual, patient, and citizens that comes in contact with has a specific set of desires regarding this conflict. The film is visually stunning and benefits from a sharpness that allows viewers to understand what is precisely happening a half a world away. While the actions of Inch’Allah represent a fictional account, the film is able to imbue this story with enough reality to make it a must-watch for anyone that wishes to learn about the conflict. There is a tremendous amount of use that professors could have showing Inch’Allah alongside a documentary regarding the West Bank conflict.
Interested individuals will be able to find a copy of Inch’Allah at well-stocked brick and mortar stores, or will be able to purchase it for about $15-25 from a laundry list of online retailers. The Entertainment One website has information about the company’s releases and those titles that will be released throughout the entirety of 2014.
Rating: 8.5/10
Inch’Allah DVD Review / 2013 E1 Entertainment / 101 Minutes /