Rebel IPA is Samuel Adam’s latest offering, and it pours with a gold / amber coloration. The head of the Rebel is pretty tenacious, providing lacing from the beginning to the end.
The beer comes forth with a decent blend of floral and hoppy notes. There is a small amount of grain that can be discerned, providing considerable amount of complexity with each sip. A floral and fruit set of notes come out – one will be able to discern hints of mango, pine, citrus, and grapefruit as the beer continues. As the beer warms up, the Rebel IPA begins to subtly shift into a sweeter style.
The ABV of this effort provides the slight bit of warmth that allows imbibers to polish off a bottle or three. This latest effort from Samuel Adams can be purchased from any well stocked beer store. Look to purchase a six pack of the beer before it disappears, and keep an eye on the Sam Adams website for updates regarding the brewery’s latest efforts. I feel that even those individuals that are not the biggest fan of the IPA style will appreciate what Sam Adams has done here.
Rating: 8.2/10
Rebel IPA / 6.5% ABV /
[…] of information. We have covered a number of the brewery’s beers in the past, including their Rebel IPA, Alpine Spring, Summer Ale, and Kosmic Mother Funk […]