Posted on: April 18, 2014 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Blue Muse begins with A Fiddle Player’s Love, a tender track that shows the intricate arrangements that are commonplace during the release. Tozer’s vocals link together Stevie Nicks with Reba McEntire, while the instrumentation will resound loudly in listeners’ ears long after the title ceases. Swept Away rides high on a string-heavy arrangement that is able to convey serious emotional depth by Tozer. The track could easily make it onto bluegrass, country, or even pop radio station. The production present on Blue Muse allows the disparate elements of Tozer’s band to shine. There is a certain depth that Swept Away has that ensures that listeners will come away with something new each and every time they play the track. A Name in the Sand looks back into an older country and gospel tradition that will appease fans of The Andrews Sisters and Patsy Cline. The same careful touch is taken here as was present in A Fiddle Player’s Love, establishing a cohesion that firmly links the fortunes of each of these tracks.

Pick Me Up speeds things up considerably, as Tozer is able to create a swinging, bouncy track that showcases the indomitable spirit of human-kind. The ability of each instrumental element to keep things into a higher gear and still sound this good is further testament to Tozer and her own skill. The EP’s final track, Wintersleep, is a perfect ending to this release. It has a strong guitar presence and keeps the strings in a focal point, establishing a perfect backdrop for Tozer’s vocals to properly shine.

Make sure to visit Tozer’s Reverbnation for samples of her music, and add her on Facebook for the latest in news.

Top Tracks: A Fiddle Player’s Love, A Name in the Sand

Rating: 8.5/10

Paula Tozer Blue Muse CD Review / 2014 Self / 6 Tracks / /

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