The story that Remondini tells on his forty-five minute composition, Non Sequitur, exceeds that told on the entirety of a lyric-heavy effort. The changes in styles from funk to synth-pop and classical styles may all occur in the space of five minutes, but Remondini links together these disparate styles in a compelling and sensible format. The segues that are present here are organic and fit in well with the story that the is attempting to tell. Each of the elements – synths, percussion, and bass elements – are as clear as crystal, while still having a warm and inviting style.
Non Sequitur is a release that individuals can work or meditate to; for those individuals that can sit back and focus into what Remondini is attempting, they will continue to find new twists and turns in this deep recording. The interplay between more vocal and traditional instrumental arrangements represents a theme that Remondini continues to further as the title moves from the beginning of the middle register. The emotional intensity of the composition ebbs and falls, with the one constant being the sheer drive and effort that listeners can discern at all points during Non Sequitur. Hints of military marches, seventies pop (Warren Zevon and Billy Joel), and atmospheric elements can all be picked from this epic composition. Listeners will never know precisely what they will hear on Non Sequitur, a move that ensures that fans will be on the edges of their seats from beginning
to end.
Remondini’s latest album drops down on Thursday, May 29th; make sure to visit Andrea’s websites for a sample from Non Sequitur and for further information regarding his discography. Check the album out when it is released.
Rating: 8.5/10
Andrea Remondini Non Sequitur CD Review / 2014 Self /