Weizenbock beers are a different style than what many breweries are currently promoting, and I feel that Southern Tier really puts their best foot forward with their 7.5% entry, Goat Boy. The beer pours with an apricot-brown coloration, leaving a beige / off-white lacing that dissipates quickly. Goat Boy has a decidedly malt-focused backbone, which is further varied with hints of bananas, sugar, caramel. The experience concludes with a slight hop bite that allows imbiber’s palettes to be properly refreshed.
The alcohol content provides additional complexity to the flavors of Goat Boy, providing the perfect amount of warmth as one completes the beer. The beer works well with a variety of meats (pork and beef are two suggestions) and with a large complement of hard cheeses. There is a richness and a fullness to Goat Boy that allows this beer to work perfectly as a night’s experience, granting those partaking with a scintillating set of tastes that keep things refreshing from beginning to end.
Goat Boy is available in 22 ounce bottles and should run about $8-12 at local beer stores. Visit the Southern Tier website for more information about their current and future offerings, along with the brewery’s history and their distributors.
Rating: 9.0/10
Goat Boy / 7.5% ABV / Southern Tier Brewing Company / http://www.stbcbeer.com/goatboy/ / https://www.facebook.com/SouthernTierBrewingCompany / http://twitter.com/stbcbeer
[…] of information about their year-round and seasonal offerings. We have reviewed Southern Tier’s Goat Boy, Live, and Pumpking in the […]
[…] have reviewed Southern Tier’s Goat Boy, Live, 2XOne and Pumpking in the past. Southern Tier’s domain is a great place to find […]