Posted on: June 17, 2014 Posted by: John B. Moore Comments: 0

If the first-time series Ray Donovan had premiered on the oft-buzzed about HBO or even AMC, it likely would have gotten a lot more attention. Instead, this Showtime drama starring Live Schreiber and John Voight (in his best role in decades), remains one of the best new shows flying under the radar.

Schreiber stars as the title character and one of three sons to ex-con John Voight’s Mickie. He, along with his brothers, wife and two children move to LA where Ray works as a fixer to a law firm (essentially making problems disappear, mainly through blackmail and violence, for the firms celebrity clients). Mickey ends up leaving prison in Boston and is suddenly reunited with his family, who aren’t exactly thrilled to see him.

The show is expertly written and Schreiber and Voight are perfect as father and son enemies. A great show with a tight cats that deserves a bigger audience.
Ray Donovan: The First Season/4 DVDs /633 mins./Showtime Entertainment/2014

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