Posted on: August 17, 2014 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Josey Milner’s current single, Cowgirls, is a high-energy sort of country track that builds off of the work of Carrie Underwood, Shania Twain, Kelly Clarkson and Kellie Pickler. The track pushes both instrumental and vocal sides to greater heights. It is really a feat of Milner that she is able to create such a musically fulfilling track that is still able to hammer home a clear set of vocals. An interlude pushes home strings that had previously been hidden in the periphery of the composition. It is this eclectic sound that gives Cowgirls such high replay value. The ability of Milner to take on equal parts eighties and nineties country, hard rock, and contemporary country genres makes this a slam-dunk track; there is little doubt in my mind that subsequent Milner efforts will be as approachable and fun as Cowgirls. The crossover appeal of Cowgirls makes this cut work for fans of pop, country, and even the harder stuff, while Milner’s inviting personality here ensures that listeners will take attention when the track begins.CD-Cover-41

The production is absolutely stellar, ensuring that Cowgirls is a shoe-in for placement on country and pop radio. I feel that Milner’s dulcet voice is able to ensure that even those that have not traditionally been fans of country music will find something that they can appreciate in Cowgirls. Make sure to visit Milner’s website for more information about her music, live dates, and any other news about this up and coming country star.

Rating: 8.9/10

Josey Milner Cowgirls Single Review / 2014 MTS Records / 1 Tracks / /

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