Posted on: August 4, 2014 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Upslope has changed up the constellation of flavors that one would expect from an India Pale Ale (IPA) with their latest canned effort, the Thai Style White IPA.  The beer pours with a head that lasts, with a body that is boldly yellow and slightly hazy / cloudy. The initial nose is a little bit sweet with hints of herbs. The hoppiness of the style is muted through the inclusion of malt and a panoply of various spices (Thai Basil, Lemongrass, Coriander, and Ginger). What results here is something that is very refreshing while having enough astringency to make the effort into something that is palette cleansing while going down easy. The inclusion of Belgian Wit yeast to the effort provides hints of a Tripel or Hefeweizen to this eclectic and dense effort; imbibers that are able to pick up a few cans will be able to find a number of twists and turns in the effort that really speak to the care that was taken in the creation of this beer.

Make sure to visit the Upslope website for more information about their year-round and seasonal efforts, their tap room, and the set of events that the company that will be holding over the course of the next few months.

Rating: 8.0/10


Thai Style White IPA / 6.5% ABV / Upslope Brewing Company /

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