Adventure Time is still one of the most viewed shows on Cartoon Network and consistently possesses some of the best numbers for any sort of animated show. Cartoon Network has continued to release DVDs of the show on a regular basis and Finn the Human is a fine inclusion to the home video market. The first thing that individuals will see if that Finn’s backpack is provided (a callback to the hat that was a gift in a previous DVD release). This DVD captures 16 of the episodes that represent best Finn’s adventures alongside Jake, his trusty companion.
The video quality that these episodes has is easily the equivalent to the original air date meaning that these shows have a leg up on those premieres – they do not possess the commercials that were once present. This DVD would be a great introduction to those individuals that have not had much of a chance to watch Adventure Time and it comes at a very approachable price. The Finn the Human DVD is available at a wide array of stores including the tried and true video stores, well stocked lifestyle stores, and other comic book and local game stores. The DVD is available for purchase online and in brick and mortar locations on Tuesday November 25th.
Expect to purchase this DVD for around 15 to 20 dollars although local prices may vary beyond those limits. Make sure to watch Adventure Time and the new episodes which are premiering on Cartoon Network throughout the end of November and keep an eye out for subsequent DVD releases of Adventure Time episodes.
Rating 8.5 / 10
Adventure Time Finn the Human DVD / 2014 Cartoon Network / 176 Minutes /