Posted on: November 18, 2014 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Stand Tall is the current single by Briannagh D, and it is a perfectly-polished effort that will resound loudly with listeners long after the track ceases. The vocal harmonies laid down by Briannagh D pull double duty in that they provide listeners with a narrative as well as provide further complexity and depth to the already shimmering effort. The rich production values of Stand Tall ensure that Briannagh D will be able to climb up the pop rotation charts; the sweeping pop meets EDM format will make it easier for her to crossover as an artist. The outro provides an emphatic end to the single as well as ignites a fire under listeners – they will be on the edges of their seats until that point when Briannagh D comes out with her next single.cover170x170

The video that accompanies Stand Tall does much to provide listeners with some information about Briannagh D while cultivating a very family-friendly demeanor. This is music that all segments of the family will like, whether they are Briannagh D’s age, young adults, or fully-grown family members. There is an intricate and eclectic sound that is crafted delicately during Stand Tall that separates this cut from other tracks striving for airplay; Briannagh D’s vocals make this into something unparalleled. Make sure to visit to Stand Tall and get in on the ground floor; I know that I am excited for subsequent singles released by this performer. For individuals that are interested in hearing more from the inimitable Briannagh D, her domain has a number of vocal covers that have the performer add her own spin onto Miley Cyrus and Ariana Grande.

Rating: 8.5/10


Briannagh D – Stand Tall Single Review / 2014 Self / /

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