Posted on: November 21, 2014 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

There are few places online that individuals can view the latest in music, without running into the same major label politics and shill bands that have been shoved down listeners’ throats. is a site that looks to capture all of the up and coming performers and artists in a way that provides them with the greatest amount of benefit. The site’s design ensures that individuals will easy be able to find the type of music that they like, while being provided with all sorts of information about each of the artists that they check out. The website is updated consistently to showcase the best in old and new music, all while focusing on the independent side of the music industry. The site is able to find a great deal of diamonds in the rough and give them a space front and center; a search option will allow visitors to key in to the specific styles of music that they like, while there is a tour date section that will give viewers some semblance of where they could see the bands that they were familiarized with on the service. The “Ask The Guru” part of the website provides some incredibly helpful advice for those musicians that are looking to make a splash in the music industry; current videos discuss copywriting music, promoting one’s music and videos, and crafting a studio sound that will work perfectly on radio rotation.

Make sure to visit on a regular basis to find some acts that will be on a wider audience’s tongues soon after their time on the service. I would strongly suggest adding the website to your bookmark list just so you can keep caught up with all of the tremendous acts that the company prominently features.

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