The amount of breweries that are crafting sour, tart, or otherwise funky beers has increased considerably over the last two to three years. This is great news for fans of the style. The sad truth is that there is considerable variation amongst the different sour offerings that are currently on the market. Funkwerks is a company that prides themselves on creating some of the most innovative and challenging beers on the market and they have done just that with their newest effort, an Imperial Saison named Tropic King. The beer is available in large format bottles making it the perfect experience for a couple or for an individual that wishes to just have a singularly unique and fulfilling experience. The beer pours with a hazy yellow coloration and a considerable head that laces itself down the glass as one continues their Tropic King journey.
The beer has hints of banana, fruits, & a slight bit of hay and barnyard notes. Tropic King has a very substantial ABV (8.0%) but the wallop that it provides is hidden quite nicely by the scintillating array of flavors that is present in each subsequent sip of the beer. The flavor profile changes considerably as the beer begins to warm – the more tart and sour notes become commonplace while the more noticeable mango / papaya and dark fruit elements fade slightly into the background.
Funkwerks is a brewery that has made an amazing, intricate, and complex beer in Tropic King; one can only imagine that the same dedication and concern for the overall product will be reflected in the rest of their offerings. To see these offerings both in terms of the year round and seasonal beers that the brewery crafts take a trip to their domain ( ) or their brewery (located in Fort Collins, Colorado).
Rating: 9.5 / 10
Tropic King Imperial Saison / Funkwerks / 8.0% ABV / /