Great Divide have released their Espresso Oak Aged Yeti and the effort is able to marry hops, bitterness and a velvety mouth feel into one of the deepest and darkest efforts that I have tasted this year. The beer pours with an extremely opaque dark brown coloration and a mocha/tan head. The lacing of the head creeps down as one continues to sip. Each pull from the Espresso Oak Aged Yeti provides imbibers with a slightly different set of flavors. The marriage of malt and hop elements at the back end of the beer refreshes individuals’ palettes, giving them a tabula rasa on which they can engage the beer anew.
As the spresso Oak Aged Yeti warms, some of the more bitter and hoppy elements take a back seat to the bolder malt and chocolate / espresso notes. The beer possesses a 9.5% ABV, but is able to obfuscate the alcohol flavor well. What results is a delightfully fun beer that goes down entirely too easy. The complex array of flavors that are present in the Espresso Oak Aged Yeti make it eminently drinkable; individuals will keep coming back to a beer that is deftly able to show different facets each time that someone cracks open a bottle.
Visit Great Divide’s website for more information about their year-round and seasonal efforts; keep an eye on NeuFutur’s review section for coverage of Great Divide’s other efforts.
Rating: 9.3/10
Great Divide Espresso Oak Aged Yeti / 9.5% ABV / Imperial Stout / /
[…] and social networking websites. We have covered previous Great Divide efforts in the past – Espresso Oak Aged Yeti . Old Ruffian, and […]