Condoms & Razorblades has a tremendous instrumental arrangement that acts as the palette on which Azrieli’s vocals can shine. The vocals on this introductory track do more than please; there is a complex dynamic between Matthew’s voice and the instruments contributing to the track. What is on the surface a very innocuous sort of track is much deeper and varied of a portrayal. Subsequent listens will be necessary to hear every twist and turn that Matthew Azrieli has inserted into the EP’a six-song salvo.
Mockingbird ties together the more epic elements of Condoms & Razorblades to the greater emotional depth captured by the remainder of the disc to follow. The bold introduction to Chloe is enough to have listeners paying attention, while tracks like Chloe, Baby It’s Hard, and Pass Us By are able to fill in some of the blanks that fans will still have when understanding Azieli’s biography. The EP’s titular track will tug on listeners’ heartstrings as the guitars and vocals unite to create something special; this track would have an easy time making it onto rock, pop, or AC charts.
Baby It’s Hard is a track that refreshes the fifties doo-wop style, tosses it with hints of reggae, and ties up the effort’s loose ends with the bravado exerted by Azrieli during this outing. The momentum that Matthew possesses coming into Where Are You Tonight? is impressive. Where Are You Tonight? is brought into the limelight with a Chuck Mangione set of horns tired through the instrumentation. Make sure to add Azrieli on Youtube or Facebook for the latest information about the Chloe EP and where listeners will be able to listen to samples from the disc.
Top Tracks: Condoms & Razorblades, Where Are You Tonight?
Rating: 8.4/10
Matthew Azrieli Chloe EP Review / 2015 Self / 6 Tracks / /