Rebel Rouser pours with a dark yellow to gold coloration and a tannish / off-white head that results in lacing along the glass as one continues to drink the beer. The nose is a little bit hoppy, a little bit sweet, while one’s initial sip of Rebel Rouser will yield a more astringent hop bite along with hints of grass and a slightly-sweet ending. The flavors will dissipate in imbibers’ mouths quickly, acting as a refresher for palettes before one takes the next quaff. As Rebel Rouser continues to warm up, a different constellation of flavors takes over. It is this flexability that makes Rebel Rouser such a hit.
A sweetness begins to blossom as the hoppy elements poke through at points, with the slightest grassy notes providing further variety and depth to the beer. There is considerable balance to Rebel Rouser that is not typically present in the double/imperial IPA format; the ability of the beer to showcase strong flavors and hop elements while being crisp and eminently drinkable makes this the perfect purchase for those looking for a good drinking beer.
Rebel Rouser has been rolled out nationally and should be available at your local beer store. Visit the Samuel Adams website for additional information about their year-round and seasonal offerings.
Rating: 8.5/10
Rebel Rouser IPA / Samuel Adams / 8.4% ABV /