Posted on: April 8, 2015 Posted by: David Kirkwood Comments: 0

For a debut E.P. Long Knives already know exactly what they are which is a female fronted band wanting to ride comfortably between the lines of punk rock and a radio friendly mainstay. That’s a sincerely difficult task to complete because I originally was not convinced that this album was going to be worth the listen but they have those reliable hooks which appeal to everyone.



I am one hundred percent sure that by their first full length they will iron out the kinks from this endeavor and will be played on every college radio and alternative stations alike. I will say that the one difference between your typical female fronted alternative pop bands and them is that Long Knives are really impressive musicians. The rhythm section on this album was quite amazing and startling impressive at times, the drummer is a beast and should be praised for elevating this album from mediocre to damn right good. The final song on this E.P. “Bastante” was a culmination of every great aspect of this bands sound shining loud and proud into something that truly represents this offering; charged pop hooks with a punk tinge that truly indicates this band is ready to fight another day.

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