Session pours with a golden hue and a small amount of white head. There is a decent amount of effervescence that bubbles from the bottom of the glass. There is a little grain and grass that individuals can discern from the nose, while the cursory sip brings a traditional lager profile to the fore as a slight hint of hops can be tasted at the back end. The 5.8% ABV of Session is on par with ice versions of macrobrews, but is hidden perfectly – Session is a beer that one can knock back while hanging out with friends or working on chores.
Full Sail’s version of the lager style has enough in the way of twists and turns to keep things interesting, while ensuring even those raised on major American brewery efforts can appreciate the subtle differences from the norm that this beer possesses. The beer’s mouthfeel disappears quickly without leaving anything in the back of an imbiber’s throat, ensuring that each sip is as fresh and as new feeling as the initial quaff. Larger sips will showcase more of the grain and malt elements of the brew, while smaller sips make for a refreshing and eminently drinkable effort.
For additional information about Full Sail’s employee ownership, their year-round and seasonal efforts, and their session series, check out their domain. While the timeframe for Session is coming to a close at the end of spring, there are more than enough efforts to keep one busy until their Session Cream Premium Summer Ale comes out in the middle of the year.
Rating: 8.3/10
Session Export Premium Golden Lager / 5.8% ABV /