Aventyr’s Driven (the eponymous track) comes forth mightily, with a late-seventies to early-eighties metal style in the vein of Thin Lizzy, Judas Priest, and Twisted Sister. The production on Driven is fantastic, with sizzling guitar lines, splashy drums, and catchy vocals working together to create some of the most memorable metal that we have heard in 2015. Betrayed starts with a strong, thick drum beat that has a number of additions (guitars, bass) that has Aventyr creating a magnificent story before the vocals kick in. Aventyr are able to create a hair metal style without any of the failings of the late-eighties / early nineties styles. There is a roughness and intensity to the compositions on Driven that are unparalleled, meaning that this album will hold up to multiple listens.
The frenetic energy that begins Driven continues through the entirety of the album. Crazy Roads is an effort that refreshes the style of Screaming for Vengeance-era Judas Priest and Queensryche into a hard-hitting, controlled sort of insanity. Empty Bottles is the penultimate track on Driven and ties together halcyon (La Sexorcisto) era of White Zombie and Deliverance-era Corrosion of Conformity into something that is musically intelligent and ready to get bans headbanging along. The 10 tracks on Driven may only be 32 minutes, but the swagger and braggadocio that the band exerts here has not been heard for twenty years. The band is able to link together symphonic metal, progressive metal, “Cherry Pie”-types of sleaze and just enough sludge to create something that everyone can appreciate. Here’s to hoping that Aventyr is able to continue through with this same absurdly-catchy metal; I know I’ll be spinning this for months to come.
Top Tracks: Betrayed, Empty Bottles
Rating: 9.4/10
Aventyr Driven CD Review / 2013 Mighty Music / 10 Tracks / https://www.facebook.com/aventyrband / http://myspace.com/aventyr