Posted on: July 28, 2015 Posted by: Deiondre Comments: 0
Mighty Vaporizer review in

Quite possibly the best handheld vaporizer that we have reviewed in NeuFutur, the Mighty vaporizer by Storz & Bickel allows purchasers to set the device to the perfect settings no matter what sort of material is being utilized. The device can use both solid and concentrates and shines in the usage of each, as the temperature dial allows for the optimum point.

Mighty Vaporizer review in

Usage: The Mighty vaporizer is easy to charge and prepare. After a short warming period, the device provides considerable vapor clouds with small inhalations. A removable pad system keeps the mess traditionally associated with concentrate usage to a minimum without reducing the amount of vapor that one can reliably receive from the materials. The cleaning process is simple as the device reduces the amount of nooks and crannies that are present; a top to bottom clean (before road trips or other public activities) will only take a few minutes.

Battery: The battery chosen for the device allows purchasers to enjoy the Mighty without interruption for 6-8 sessions with only a small amount of heft added to the vaporizer when compared to other offerings on the market. The Mighty’s screen provides real-time information concerning the battery life that is remaining, ensuring that owners will always have enough battery for their sessions. Even if the battery reaches 0%, all one needs to do is place the device on the charger and the Mighty can be used for any vaporization needs.

Build quality: Small drops and scuffs will not faze the Mighty, as the rugged build quality makes this device the perfect inclusion for summer festivals, camping, parties, and other hangouts. The efficiency of the vaporization process means that one will be able to save money when making the transition from combustion to vaporization, while the removal of smoke from the mix makes for a healthier experience. This makes the Mighty vaporizer the perfect purchase for those with a health complaint or for those wanting to increase their overall day-to-day health.

Accessories: The kit that Storz & Bickel has created for the Mighty includes every tool that one would need to get started. Extra screens and rings, a brush to remove loose debris, and a grinder make the preparation and clean-up process simple. The Storz & Bickel Mighty Vaporizer is available for $399, while add-ons including a car charger ($20), a repair kit ($35) and additional cleaning/filling sets ($4/6) are available from the company.

Rating: 9.6/10

Storz & Bickel Mighty Vaporizer / /

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