Posted on: November 18, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Soul’d Out is the latest effort from DownTown Mystic, and this tremendously emotive track will be appreciated by anyone that has been hurt by love. The track builds off of the sound of Journey, Paul Stanley, and Foreigner; there is a timeless sound here that refreshes the rock of the eighties with a clarity and tautness that is unparalleled.Layout 1 (Page 1)

Robert Allen’s vocals drive the track, while the interaction between these vocals and the rich backing instrumentation makes for something that is considerably greater than the sum of the constituent parts. The very deliberate approach taken by DownTown Mystic is much appreciated, tattooing the melodies of the track deep into the minds and hearts of listeners.

The Soul’d Out digital single contains two further tracks – Brian Jones and a radio mix of Rise and Fall #2. Brian Jones is a track that goes down to the bayou with a bluesy, bouncy beat. The track ties together the rock of the sixties with southern rock and contemporary bands like the Foo Fighters and the Queens of the Stone Age. The rich production allows the different elements of DownTown Mystic to shine, making for an effort that is destined for radio play. The radio version of Rise and Fall #2 has a bouncy Roy Orbison meets ska sound; the track’s unique flair showcases the  sheer talent of the band to make things work.  The guitar and bass dynamic shows a rich back and forth that pushes the effort into a whole other plateau. Taken together, the tracks on the Soul’d Out maxi-single showcases a depth and complexity to DownTown Mystic .

For more information about DownTown Mystic and their discography, their domain is a great start.

Top Tracks: Soul’d Out, Brian Jones

Rating: 8.6/10

DownTown Mystic Soul’d Out Single Review / 2015 Sha-La Music / 3 Tracks / /

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