The one drawback to a number of the high-octane stouts we receive in NeuFutur is how much the alcoholic bite shines through. Sometimes, you just want an easy drinking stout that still possesses a good punch. We were able to find one that masterfully matches a higher than average alcohol content with a smoothness and complexity that will have us coming back for more. Founders’ seasonally-offered Breakfast Stout fits the bill. The beer pours with a dark brown coloration and an off-white to tan head that is slow to dissipate.
This imperial coffee stout has a luxurious mouth feel and a good blend of the simultaneous sweetness and bitterness of a good cuppa joe. The ABV (alcohol by volume) is pegged at a high enough level that the beer stays extraordinarily consistent from beginning to end. Before hitting that last sip, one will experience nutty notes, hints of toffee and caramel, and a bit of brown sugar, nutmeg, and cinnamon. The nuance of toasted malt and oak can be discerned at points, while the good amount of hops present here are able to peek through pretty consistently. All together, this array of flavors and tastes make it so that an imbiber will have a different sip each time that they pull from a 12 ounce bottle of Founders’ Breakfast Stout.This imperial stout is available at any local beer store that stocks Founders products from October to January. What we always recommend is holding a bottle back for a year to see how the flavors shift and change over the course of a year or so.
Check out our prior coverage of Founders’ Dirty Bastard and look at their website / social media for new product announcements and events.
Rating: 9/10
Breakfast Stout (Founders) / 8.3% ABV / 60 IBU / http://foundersbrewing.com/ / https://www.facebook.com/foundersbrewing / http://twitter.com/foundersbrewing /