Posted on: March 25, 2018 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

We start to realize that we’re not immortal as we age, although it felt a little like it when we were teenagers! You notice that the great skin you had as a young person starts sagging. Maybe you feel how your joints are creaking a little, or that you can’t sleep on the ground when camping anymore. Perhaps you’ve even started sitting on your front porch in a rocking chair, yelling at kids to get off your lawn. Whatever the signs of your aging, you know it’s time to keep your body in good shape. Here are a few health checks you should get regularly.


A colonoscopy is a procedure everyone should get after age 50. A colonoscopy is a routine check of your colon, using a flexible tube with a flashlight at one end. The doctor uses the tube to search for and remove polyps. A colonoscopy is an incredibly effective way to prevent colon cancer. Since colon cancer grows relatively slowly, a colonoscopy once every five to ten years is usually enough. However, it’s essential to consult with a colorectal surgeon Singapore to discuss your specific risk factors and determine the most appropriate screening schedule for you.


Every woman should be going in regularly for a mammogram. A mammogram is a simple way to detect breast cancer. It involves a low dose x-ray, which allows doctors to see if any cancerous tissue can be detected. Mammograms can catch breast cancer even before a lump can be felt, so scheduling one regularly–about once a year–could save your life.

Dental Visit

We tend to think only of the big “important” medical checks, but going in for a regular checkup and dental visit play a huge role in keeping you healthy. Whether you’re in Phoenix, AZ, or New Brunswick, NJ try to see your dentist regularly. It’s a doctor recommended health exam that everyone should be getting.

Skin Examination

Every 6 to 12 months, it’s recommended that you do a self-examination of your skin, followed by a check-up with your dermatologist. A skin examination checks for melanoma, or skin cancer. You should especially consider getting checked if you have unusual moles or a family history of skin cancer.

Eye Exam

You might be avoiding an eye exam because you feel that your vision is fine, or that your prescription hasn’t changed. You shouldn’t avoid an eye exam for long, however. Everyone over 40 should head in for an eye exam to be checked for glaucoma, especially if they have diabetes, short-sightedness, high blood pressure, or migraines. If anything on that list fits your vision, it’s even more important that you get your eyes checked. If you have a family history of glaucoma, you should go in even earlier, around age 35.

Each one of these checkups is about prevention. It’s easier to prevent cancer than to get cancer care. However, if your mammogram shows results, or if your doctor detects any other form of cancer, the right care is waiting for you. If you take good care of your body, go in for regular checkups, exercise, and eat right, you have every chance of staying issue-free.

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