Posted on: May 29, 2018 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

When you cannot get a good night’s sleep, you will get progressively more tired and irritated. It will begin to badly affect your health in different ways if not addressed. With insufficient sleep, the brain cannot reorganize the memories of the prior day’s events and the body cannot repair itself as much as possible before waking up. Ultimately, it creates a downward spiral for your health.

Here are 4 ways to deal with a sleeping problem.

Change Your Pillow or Mattress

You may have a pillow that doesn’t allow the proper positioning of your head and neck to be comfortable. When moving around in bed, a pillow that’s either too high or too low may not suit your sleeping posture. For instance, when sleeping on your stomach, a low-loft pillow is required to avoid straining the neck upwards.

With mattresses, there is a wide range of options to create a comfortable surface to support your spinal structure. These include innerspring, memory foam, latex mattresses, and other types. Each have their pros and cons. Each have their pros and cons. You could currently have a mattress that doesn’t suit your posture or retains heat causing you to toss and turn all night. Check out to look at what your options are if you think you have a mattress or pillow problem.

Illumination Levels in the Bedroom

When bedrooms are too brightly lit, it can keep you awake at night. Even the light from a smartphone can prevent a long, restful sleep. Create a bedroom setup that shrouds the slumber area in complete darkness. Also, install an app on your mobile device(s) to lower illumination and reduce the blue levels at a set time in the evening to avoid your smartphone preventing you getting off to sleep sooner.

Are the Neighbors Noisy and Waking You Up?

If you have kids in the house, they may wake you up when not staying asleep through the night or coming to rouse you at the crack of dawn. Alternatively, a neighbor could play loud music or have a home cinema system with surround sound that’s cranked all the way up. With the latter, you can certainly try talking to the neighbor, but not every person is cooperative. If the sound falls below the allowed decibel level in the area, then you must look at other alternatives.

Consider soundproofing the bedroom for the walls that face towards the source of the noise. There are foam cones available for walls or even sound-insulating floor mats that can absorb much of the sound before it reaches the sleeping area.

Allergies and Breathing Difficulties

Another area that causes people problems is allergies. Many times, we don’t know that we even have them. This can be an allergy to house dust, pollen or pet hair. This can certainly interfere with breathing. Breathing interruptions during sleep indicates that you may have sleep apnea. One of the possible solutions for sleep apnea is by using a small machine to make them breathe better. If a loved one realizes you are not breathing at all times when sleeping, then you should see a doctor about that.

A sleeping problem is serious enough that you should try different things in turn to determine what the root cause is and how to resolve it. As your sleep deprivation gets worse, it becomes progressively more difficult to think clearly enough to fix before your cognitive ability starts to suffer too.

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