Posted on: May 24, 2018 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Every homeowner has to ensure that the home is a comfortable place that encourages healthy living. The sweetness of home could diminish many times if it causes health problems due to the poor quality of indoor air.  The EPA lists indoor air quality as one of its top concerns because a host of illnesses can happen from it if the level of pollutants is high. Asthma and related illnesses, allergies as well as dry skin and skin irritation, watering eyes, running nose, headaches, dizziness, and nausea can all take its toll on the health of the inhabitants.  The air inside the homes is always loaded with dust and dirt particles that float in the air. Also, bacteria, mold spores, allergens and airborne viruses pose a serious threat to health.

Mold control should be a priority

Controlling molds at homes acquires a lot of importance due to widespread mold growth in air ducts. For staying healthy, you have to pay attention to timely air conditioning system repairs because high temperature accompanied by humid conditions encourages molds to grow.  Even in a fully functional HVAC system, the chances of mold growing in the air ducts are always high. When the air conditioning system remains non- functional for an extended period, it only aggravates the conditions for fast mold growth.  To control molds effectively, you must know where the threats exist. In this article, we will have a look at the sources of health threats that exist in various places of homes.

 Living room

The carpet and the fireplace in the living room are sources of pollutants that damage indoor air. Carpets get dirty due to the accumulation of dust and dirt particles while the fireplace generates harmful gases like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide when in use. Besides, allergens and dust mites affect the air quality of living rooms that also deteriorates due to pet dander and pet hair, second-hand smoke, and running dehumidifiers.


The bedroom also has its share of air pollutants that arise from pet hair, pet dander, dust, dust mites, and allergens. The carpet is once again the favorite place haunted by the pollutants that find safe refuge inside the carpet fabric and is not always easy to remove with light cleaning. Deep carpet cleaning by professionals can only ensure satisfactory removal of the pollutants. Carbon dioxide in living rooms is also a concern.


Bathrooms are happy hunting grounds for mold spores that find the ideal environment to thrive. The moist and warm environment of bathrooms, no matter how much dry you keep it, is always encouraging mold growth. Moreover, the personal hygiene products lined on the shelves like sprays and aerosols of different kinds are sources of air pollutants that are also harmful to health.


Food wastes and various lingering odors in the kitchen are indicators of the presence of air pollutants that can make you sick. Bacteria from food wastes can only aggravate the problem.

Once you know the factors that affect indoor air quality, it becomes easy to address the health issues that arise from it.

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