Posted on: January 15, 2019 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

As a businessperson and leader, you will agree that being an effective business executive is no easy task. To be a successful executive business leader, you must be able to manage and balance many different skills. Most of which require that you develop your own learning curve even to stand the chance of running a business. Ethan Stiles is one such executive leader who has learned how to use these skills to grow a successful business. If it were up to some executives, you’d hear them consider these traits to be more like virtues than anything else. Ethan Stiles admits that even though it’s a wise idea to have all these leadership traits, it depends a lot more with the time of business you’re leading.

Yes! You may find that some leadership styles work excellently on one business but don’t apply in another. Therefore, you must be vigilant when selecting the skillsets or virtues that will ensure you run your business effectively. Because face it, as a business executive and leader, everyone working under you will look up to you to make all moves, and they follow. Therefore, you cannot afford to mess up at the top. Lest you bring the whole business tumbling down.

Here are some crucial character traits that you must have to be an effective business leader

  1. Be decisive

To be an effective business executive, you must be ready to make swift sound decisions regarding your business’ operations. You realize that some business executives fear to make swift sound decisions out of fear of making the wrong moves. By this, they end up postponing the time required to take action. At the day’s end, this always ends up causing a lot more problems which compound to the list of issues.

Effective leaders know about this and work swiftly not to get caught in this web by taking prompt action on issues regarding the business. Making confident, swift decisions is a good move. Sometimes, making a decision, even if you aren’t sure whether it’s the right one, may be the only option you have. As there are times where not taking action entirely can harm the business more.

  • Self-awareness

As a business executive, you must also be in a position to understand where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Don’t go to great lengths to try and cover your weaknesses. In most instances, it never really works. If anything, it’ll only stress you more which can impair your overall judgment. Much as you would want to capitalize on your strengths, you must also know what your weaknesses are and work on them. If not, then it can leave your business vulnerable.

  • Integrity

You also want to ensure that you’ve earned the respect of your team without necessarily having to remind them of who’s in authority. This is what integrity is about. Don’t be among the leaders who lean on their titles to crunch their subordinates to heel to their demands. Earn your staffs’ respect, and you’ll see your business run more effectively. And you can only do this by acting and behaving appropriately. It’s also essential to note that integrity isn’t just about doing the right thing in front of your staff. It’s also about standing something that’s bigger than yourself. And that is the business you lead.

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