Posted on: May 17, 2019 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Goodnight Ramona is a delightfully bouncy track that ties together Social Distortion and Elvis Costello. With vocals that are as much indie as they are Descendents-era punk, Greg Antista is able to make the song resound loudly for a considerable swath of listeners. Punchy guitars walk the edge between the Minutemen and early Goo Goo Dolls, while the drum fills present in Goodnight Ramona have to be heard to be believed. Sizzling guitar lines amp up the momentum for the last minute or so of the single; Greg Antista and The Lonely Streets have created one of the catchiest tracks we’ve heard so far this year.

Greg Antista and The Lonely Streets “Goodnight Ramona” / Domain /

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