Posted on: May 5, 2019 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

A lot of career paths are highly desired due to their extremely well-paying starting paychecks. Job lines like engineering or medicine have gained a reputation for their stability and their profitability over a long amount of time. However, that doesn’t seem to be the constant case as time passes by and industries such as tech begin to catch up pretty fast. It is crazy how it is possible to compare an industry that is new to the ones that have been there for such a long time. You will be surprised to find that the tech department in any company is probably the most valuable.

A Massive Industry… Yeah, we get that it is a huge industry and all, but can it really be just as profitable as other career paths? How much do they even make? Well, let’s just say that people looking to work in the field will not be disappointed. So, having a course on some of the top technology like Data Science, AI and Machine learning course will help you to earn a good salary as given below.

Data Scientist

This is a person who basically takes the data you have stored about your company and turns it into something you can use to increase profits. They usually net around $128,750 a year.

Artificial Intelligence Engineer

This is someone who basically works on creating and evolving an Artificial Intelligence that is used for company matters. This person nets themselves a hefty $100,000-$150,000 a year.

Python Developer

Python developers usually just code things together through coding while looking super cool and hacker-y at the same time. Gets him/herself around $116,379 a year to spend on whatever cool gadgets he/she desires.

Software Developer

This is the person responsible for designing what goes on in the technology that we use every day, like what an application does when you swipe down or swipe up. Nets around $106,710 annually.

Cyber Security Engineer

Pretty much a bodyguard, but for computer networks; ensures the systems in use are always safe and secure. Grabs himself a good $92,405 every year.

But what are the possibilities for the tech industry?

The technology industry is growing exponentially. A majority of big companies start to realize the value of the tech department when they start to pan out onto more paths of radical technology profits, along the lines of applications and better performing programs that assist them on achieving that goal. What’s even more interesting is that tech keeps on getting better with every tick of the clock.

Where is the industry standing at the moment?

It is no secret that the slots for the biggest companies in the world have been taken by companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Alphabet (one might recognize it more as Google). The rate at which the industry grew and continues to grow has been record-breaking, and the people working within the industry itself is probably quite happy due to the high-end salaries that start off high and continue growing.

The career opportunities vary, but they all hold promising answers at the end. When working in the technology sector, making an average of $113,849 a year in one of the biggest and fastest growing industries, it provides a challenging yet gainful time within a person’s career, in relation to other career paths available.

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