Posted on: July 27, 2019 Posted by: Carry Illinois Comments: 0

Taking the time to deep clean your home can easily refresh your space and get rid of hidden dust bunnies. It can also help keep bugs out so your interior stays safer and free of meddling insects. If you plan on tackling this job on your own or with family, there are some necessary supplies you need to have before getting started. With these, the job will be much easier to complete in a time-effective manner.

1. Microfiber Cloths

While paper towels are certainly convenient and can be used for germ-ridden areas like the toilet, microfiber cloths are best because they can be used again and again. They are also better at picking up dirt and dust, which means more efficient cleaning without spending more time. Cloths are also much more durable than traditional paper towels, so you can use them to scrub just as well as you can use them to wipe. Mark a set of these specifically for cleaning and you’ll be able to avoid wasting paper towels when they just aren’t necessary or effective.

2. Vacuum with Attachments

There’s no better way to suck up dirt than with a powerful vacuum. Whether you have hardwood floors, carpets, or rugs, you can use your vacuum to get your floors as clean as possible. If you have a vacuum with attachments, then you’ll get even more use out of this machine. You’ll be able to use those to clean the top of fans, underneath the couch, on top of the fridge, and even inside of cabinets. These attachments will reach where your regular vacuum cannot.

3. Pressure Washer

If you want to deep clean the exterior of your home, then the experts at Pressure Cleaning Gold Coast recommend using a pressure washing machine. This can blast dirt and debris away in seconds with only pressurized water and a mild detergent. It’s an essential outdoor cleaning tool since it can clean your siding, roof, patio, deck, outdoor furniture, and so much more.

4. Cleaning Spray

Whether you prefer a natural spray or one that’s made with bleach, it’s important to have this cleaning tool before you get started. Professional grade cleaning sprays can also be found at most home improvement stores, although many need to be diluted before use. Window cleaner, floor cleaner, a mop, and sponges are also necessary for getting this job done. If you’re using a pressure cleaner, then don’t forget additional nozzles.

5. Trash Bags and Boxes

As you clean each room, you’re going to find a lot of things you need to throw out. However, you’ll also accrue things that can be donated or given away, which is why it’s important to have a box for donations ready to go. The more you clean, the more things you’ll have to donate or throw away, so make sure you have a lot of these ready to use.

6. Mop or Steam Cleaner

No home is truly deep cleaned until you’ve mopped or steamed the floors. However, this is the last thing that should be done since you’ll need to walk on your floors as you clean. Once you tackle this job, make sure you allow your floors to dry completely before you step on them again. This will improve the overall appearance and help keep dirt from building up. If you want to achieve a healthier shine, then apply wax or any other finishing coating that’s appropriate for your type of floors.

7. Step Ladder

If you plan on cleaning the top of fans or windows, then you’re going to need a step ladder. This will allow you to safely reach various heights without having to rely on any unstable furniture around you. If you have particularly high windows or more than one floor, a full ladder may also be something you should bring in to use.

A Cleaner Home Made Easy

Deep cleaning your home can feel like a challenge when you’re not equipped with all of the supplies that you need. This is why it’s so beneficial to plan ahead and make sure you have supplies ready to go. This is especially true if you need to rent equipment or have specialty companies come over and clean certain areas that you’re not able to clean on your own.

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