Posted on: July 2, 2019 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Energy healing is not a new phenomenon, despite what you may have read in pop culture publications. In fact, energy healing is incredibly ancient, often dating back hundreds or even thousands of years.

No matter which ancient civilization you study, you will find examples of energy healing. In Japan, using the hands to conduct energy through Reiki healings is one example. In China, acupuncture taps into the energy meridians located throughout the body to heal blockages and promote vitality.

In India, various yogic disciplines provide pathways to align and balance the energy for healing and renewal as well as spiritual evolution.

But you don’t have to travel around the world to reap the benefits of natural energy healing. You can start right now by learning some fundamentals about chakra healing through the body’s energy centers. In this article, learn seven things you need to know about how natural energy can help you or someone you love heal.

What Are Chakras?

You may have heard about chakras during a yoga session or from your holistic practitioner. But what are they, exactly? What do they do? What do they have to do with natural energy healing?

Every person has seven energy centers located throughout the body. These seven energy centers are called chakras.

Here are the seven chakras in order from lowest to highest position with their approximate locations and meanings.

1. Root.

The root chakra is located right at the base of your spine by your tailbone. The root chakra represents survival needs.

2. Sacral.

The sacral chakra is located two inches below your navel in your abdomen. The sacral chakra represents emotional well-being.

3. Solar plexus.

The solar plexus chakra is located in your upper abdomen. The solar plexus chakra represents self-esteem.

4. Heart.

The heart chakra is located right in the center of your chest slightly above your heart area. The heart chakra represents love for self and others.

5. Throat.

The throat chakra is located in the center of your throat. The throat chakra represents communication.

6. Third eye.

The third eye chakra is located in the center of your forehead just above your eyes. The third eye chakra represents intuition and wisdom.

7. Crown.

The crown chakra is located in the top center of your head. The crown chakra represents spirituality.

7 Things You Need to Know About Natural Energy Healing

When you start learning about the relationship each chakra has with the area of the body in which it is located, natural energy healing will begin to make more sense on a mental as well as an emotional and spiritual level.

From here, you may choose to enroll in an online course For chakra healing to learn even more about how natural energy can work through the chakras to affect healing.

1. Each chakra is associated with certain organs and body areas.

The root chakra is connected to the male reproductive organs and the sense of smell. The sacral chakra is connected with the female reproductive organs, the lymphatic system and the lower abdominal organs.

The solar plexus chakra is connected with the adrenal glands and sight. The heart chakra is connected with the heart and thymus gland. The throat chakra is connected to the mouth, esophagus and thyroid gland.

The third eye chakra is connected to the mind and the pineal gland. The crown chakra is connected to the pituitary gland, central nervous system and brain.

2. Every chakra also has an associated color.

The seven colors in order from root to crown are red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue and purple.

But what makes this so interesting is that every color represents a certain spectrum of electromagnetic waves, of which the human eye can perceive only a small portion. When an electromagnetic wave vibrates at a certain frequency, it produces blue light or white light or another color of light.

Working with these energy waves can help restore balance and health to each chakra center.

3. There is both a physical and an emotional component to each chakra.

No matter what health issue you are struggling with, if you look closely you can detect both a physical and an emotional component.

For example, if you have an upset stomach, there is an imbalance in your digestive tract and likely also emotional stress from the physical pain you feel.

If you have to give a speech, you may feel both emotional anxiety and physical symptoms such as dizziness, nausea or dry mouth.

So when you work to rebalance the energy at a certain chakra point, you will reap the benefits both physically and emotionally.

4. There are many ways to work with the chakra points.

As we mentioned in the introduction here, there are many respected natural healing methods that can restore balance and health to the chakra points.

If you are unsure which method to try first, you might just spend some time reading about each and notice which one seems the most intriguing. That is probably the one that will be the most beneficial to you in the immediate future.

5. Energy healing can complement other healing modalities.

Whether your particular health issue stems from cancer or trauma or something else, energy healing can readily complement other treatments and healing modalities, from chemotherapy to crystals.

6. You can target specific chakras for healing as needed.

If you are experiencing particular types of symptoms, these may relate back to imbalance at a particular chakra or set of chakras.

While ultimately the goal is to open, balance and harmonize all seven chakras to one another, you may want to start with focused natural healing work at the most problematic chakra to ease your immediate discomfort.

7. Natural healing is highly individualized.

Unlike many cookie cutter practices in modern Western medicine, natural chakra healing is a deeply individual and personalized process.

What you need to heal and rejuvenate is unique to you – your health, your life experiences and your goals. 

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