Tell us about being a musician in Los Angeles.
Being a part of the creative music scene in Los Angeles is cool. There is a network of us indie musicians that gravitate towards each other in different areas of town. I’ve got my singer-songwriter clan in the Valley, the rock ’n rollers in Hollywood, my EDM & hip-hop crew in K-town, and the chill surfers down in Venice. We all work together to make events happen, support each other during album releases, and press our homies to stretch further for themselves. A good friend of mine who is a producer and sound engineer just finished a festival-house remix of my song, “Sucré Mon Cherí”. He goes by cnotebythelayer. Look for that release on Spotify and in a club near you soon.
Please explain your creative process.
The creative process right now for me begins with the element of fire. I light the red candle by my desk that I painted the words, “Productive Creativity” on to; I then light some incense. Right now, I am working with Jasmine. Jasmine opens the heart to success in dreams and prosperity. From there, I grapple with whichever aspect of my creative self is pining for expression. Last night, I wrote a few pages for the novel-memoir that I am currently writing. It is titled, “Friend of the Level”. It is my third book.
What drew you into the music industry?
All the greats. All the characters that spoke to my soul. A big spirit I look up to is Jerry Garcia. He has such a sunny disposition grated with knowing a dark before the dawn. Today is his birthday, July 1. I like looking up to role models that are clearly unique in who they are day in and day out. When I listen to an artist, I want to hear where their soul is singing from. I may hear traces of what legends influenced them, connect the dots, and know where to look next for sonic guidance.
If you could have your fans remember only one thing about you, what would it be and why?
Cool question. If I could have listeners remember one thing about me, it would be that I care. I compassionately look at life with eyes of grateful service. How can I influence the person next to me, positively? I ask myself how my actions, creations, and offerings are effecting others. I think through everything. What did I mean by that glance to that stranger? What does that mean about my current state of being? How can I compassionately work towards portraying a joyful spirit on a blessed planet? I would like this to be embedded in my lyrical composition. I ultimately want to be remembered for my poetical phrasing. Kind heart, stellar penmanship.
What is the overall message you want to deliver to your fans?
My overall message plays into my answer previously mentioned. Every one of our actions, even thoughts, create a ripple effect in our environment. When we think of our own character on a grander scale, we become more than an actor in our current scene, we become an agent for positive change in the universe. Who are you? What would you like to bring to the table? How can you adjust to align with where you would like to go? “Be the voice you wish to hear on the wind… Listen.”
Tell us about the NEW MUSIC & New Videos!
I would love to! My first album, “of Vinyl”, debuted on July 5, 2019. This album is about the psychic inner-heartlands of love. Following this is the current EP I am recording. It is titled, “of Always”. It is an ode to my muse in the moon, expressing love, gratitude, and explanation that I will always be my best for them. Following that is my second full-length album that has already been written. That is titled, “of Thank You”. It is a call from the native healer within to take a look at where we are going as a socio-ecological, politically charged society. On the same basis, my first music video was released on July 20, 2019. It is an aestheticly pleasing nature-filled landscape design for my song, “World Peace a Thing”. In this video, I dance my healing dance. It is beauty.
Please list all links you would like us to share with our readers.
If you want to get to know more about me & stay in touch with my upcoming albums, books, & other projects,
I recommend following me on Instagram. I am @Kenbunny (https://www.instagram.com/kenbunny). Also, My website has all relevant information, show dates, and offerings:https://kendraelisabethmuecke.com
To watch the “World Peace a Thing” music video and other performances of mine, you can visit my youtube channel here: http://youtube.com/user/thepoliticsofkendra
My debut album, “of Vinyl” is streaming on all platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play, SoundCloud & more.
You can find links to each platform here: https://songwhip.com/artist/kendra-and-the-bunnies
If you’d like to support the recording of my upcoming EP, check out the books and albums I currently have for purchase at
Thank you!
Thank you so much for having me!