You would think that the subject of handling employee transitions between direct business competitors has a wealth of literature on the topic. You would be wrong. Attorney Steven Manchel writes about the issue with a objective and learned eye in his book “I Hereby Resign” Job Transitioning: How Individuals Properly Prepare, Resign and Move to the Competition, and How Companies Best Manage that Process. It has an agreeable length for the vast majority of readers; Manchel does an impressive job of condensing a wealth of information in a comprehensible and substantive fashion. There’s a lot to get out of this book for those concerned with the issue, an examination of the process, ways to address its flaws, and Manchel’s writing skills put you in good position to reap its rewards.
The technological nature of business communication and every day activity means there are more t’s to cross and i’s to dot than ever before. Manchel emphasizes what should be obvious; the critical need for your departure to conform with unshakable professional standards lest it diminish your professional profile and sour relations between otherwise dispassionate rivals. The primary thrust of the book is the scenario of moving from one company over to a direct threat to the former company, but “I Hereby Resign” has value for those thinking about leaving a job for some other field entirely. It outlines, at its core, an acceptable path towards separation that exposes no one to legal liability or conflict with others.
His aforementioned writing skill conveys these ideas with forceful sentences and orderly on-point examination of the issue. Manchel approaches this book in a systematic way familiar to anyone who knows how lawyers write and think and the profession’s talent for “making an argument” comes across in a vivid way with this book. Manchel isn’t beating on his chest over the issue but he evidences a clear desire to help companies better understand and formulate a path forward in such matters.
All those years composing briefs as paid off. Manchel doesn’t write like a novice author. Everything about “I Hereby Resign” Job Transitioning: How Individuals Properly Prepare, Resign and Move to the Competition, and How Companies Best Manage that Process smacks of the polish and professionalism one should expect from a respected litigator and former Court of Appeals Law Clerk. He has an academic’s passion for instruction as well illustrated by the dramatic way he frames this issue.
There is much Manchel, given his pedigree, can write about with future books. Let’s hope he’s so inspired. This is an easy reading experience even for someone with only a cursory interest in the subject and powered by a bright and burning intelligence that leaves no loose ends and makes its argument with sound reasoning and a penchant for illustrating its points in compelling ways. “I Hereby Resign” Job Transitioning: How Individuals Properly Prepare, Resign and Move to the Competition, and How Companies Best Manage that Process isn’t a book you’ll dispense with after a single reading.
Kim Muncie