Billy Jeter has a story to tell, and “Sins Of Me” is the first single from the album coming next Spring, which is aptly entitled – Shineye Landing, and comes with a full-length set of more to tell than one song can cover, but it goes a long way to indicate what is going to be inside that package when it arrives. This song gives you enough to entice, but it can only be one what is certainly a bunch of tunes to please by the Arkansas native with a colorful background in that state but also well known by his fans across the country.
MORE ON BILLY JETER: https://www.billyjeter.com/
The area where Jeter grew up and the family of writers, musicians and painters he comes from is still somewhat of a mystery to me, but that’s good because the more I hear “Sins Of Me” the better it gets and the more I want to hear other tracks while this one does the rounds. I have not always been satisfied in that department, but so far, I find this song tremendously satisfying. It is the type of thing you reach for again and again, so it makes it easier to wait for more even though that is usually difficult.
Make no mistake about it, “Sins Of Me” is a country song at heart with folk and blues counterparts which Jeter mingles together so well. It is a type of magic any good veteran musician knows how to weave, but Jeter has contemporary aspects about him too, and it is probably due to being a live player all the time. There is a freshness to his playing and singing that comes across more modern than just the outcome of combined labels, it is a style all his own. It is in the way Jeter uses it that matters the most to my ears. https://open.spotify.com/album/2V3R9ud58RhJdnbirTOE6K
The song starts out slow and builds as it goes, with Jeter preaching the good words along the way and then a guitar section complete with slide action takes over and it is a whole different thing because you are captivated by first the words, then the music and it goes back to Jeter getting the last word in. One thing Jeter is not, is a pedestrian level artist, he is a seasoned pro with no doubt about it, and “Sins Of Me” as proof is a force to reckon with that opinion, especially if you are reading and listening.
Kim Muncie