Posted on: August 8, 2021 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Let’s face it – life can be busy. If you pair a few kids with a full-time job, the chances are that it will become even busier. Time is already a rare commodity for most parents, but it is also precious to the development and growth of children. Even if a child can gain valuable experiences and learn new skills in activities that don’t necessarily involve their parents, nothing will ever replace time spent with their mother and father. The good news is that even with a full agenda, there are ways you can spend quality time with your children. And in this article, we’ll talk about some tips on how to raise kids, regardless of your schedule.

Five minutes can make a difference

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t necessarily need to spend a lot of time with your children to impact your relationship with them positively. While it may be preferable to spend as much time as you can with your kids, even five minutes can make a whole heap of difference in child-parent attachment. It isn’t just brief enough to ensure that it’s manageable for parents who have demanding timetables. But more importantly, it’s also long enough that it will achieve the desired effect. So don’t underestimate what a few minutes of your time can do.

Schedule time with your kids

The majority of families usually have patterns and routines to ensure that they can get all of their daily tasks completed. And scheduling time for your kids should always be a part of it because it can have potentially powerful implications. Beyond curbing your child’s frustrations and seeking attention with negative behavior, it will also give them something to look forward to and strengthen your relationship as a result.

Keep communicating with your children

Even with a tight timeline, it’s a general rule of thumb to keep on communicating with your children. After all, you won’t know their interests and how they feel if you don’t talk to them. You’ll also miss out on an insight that may elevate the experience of the time they spend with you. Even a few minutes a day will go a long way in helping them remain open to you. This can be especially important if they exhibit behavioral problems. It will help you understand whether it’s something that you can handle on your own or will require the assistance of a child behavior therapist.

Avoid distractions when spending time with them

The time that you spend with your kids should be for them alone. So limit distractions like household chores or responsibilities at work when you’re with your kids. Instead, focus on their interests and activities that they enjoy doing. Doing so will make them feel that they matter.


No one can deny that parenting can be a challenge, especially amidst busy schedules. However, time constraints don’t mean that you won’t be able to raise your kids right. By following these tips, you’ll surely be able to give your kids the time that they need from you.

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