Practically everyone in my family smokes and has done so for the vast majority of their life. I know that both of my parents have smoked for nearly 40 years (sand that’s just the time that I was alive) and even the earlier generation (the parents of my parents) had some predilection to smoke. While I am lucky enough to not smoke, even my siblings and loved ones still are heavy uses of cigarettes or cigars. The amount an addiction can dig its way into someone is truly astonishing, but there are other individuals in my life that have been able to kick the habit. If one wants to quit smoking, there are a number of distinct behavioral changes that they can make or products that they can utilize to decrease or even stop the cravings.
Hypnotizing has been one of those tools that is hyped up and has been promoted for the better part of fifty years. However many different clinics say that they can hypnotize people into healthier habits, the skeptic in me feels that the suggestions that hypnotists make really only are considered by those that already are susceptible to those sort of tricks. I guess if these sessions are something that ultimately helps someone put down thee cigarettes and move into a healthier way of life, more power to them.
The greater degree of success that I have seen over my time here as an adult has been those cessation tools that have an amount of nicotine that allows individuals to step down on their dosage. It is those sort of patches, gum, and pouches that are on the market that have given most people the opportunity that they need to stop smoking. Let us know down in the comment section. what sort of tools that you have utilized and the level of success that you have had with them.