Posted on: July 29, 2023 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Right Here is the first track on Pick Ups and Put Downs, immediately having Merit Maker kick things into high gear. This introductory salvo builds upon the trends of pop-punk acts from Blink 182, MxPx, and The Vandals. Two minutes go by in the blink of an eye, as the band moves on to False Starts. False Starts opens up with sick bass lines and splashy drums. There’s a surprising depth to this single, as hints of 1960s surf and late 1990s Chicago Deep Elm Records are inserted into the mix.
Look Back is a slower, bit more wistful song when compared to the first cuts encountered. This emotional heaviness does well to provide Merit Maker with another tool in their chest. There’s still so much charisma that enters via the vox, something that when coupled with the all-in instrumentation will keep fans focused in to later segments of Pick Ups and Put Downs. Faster Times keeps things going at a fever pitch, with the vox, drums, and guitars uniting to make a track that is part Unwritten Law, part Strike Anywhere.

Falling Out is a solid piece of the second half of the album. The instrumental section that starts the song out is a serious groove, while the track shows Merit Maker’s ability to immediately turn on a dime.

Mixed Messages keeps things fresh for the band, linking together the brooding guitar work of an East Bay Ray with multiple distinct levels to the instrumental arrangements. A heady effort for sure. Over And Out has a fun introductory bass line that pairs well with drums, after which things gradually start to move more quickly. Ending their Pick Ups and Put Downs with the same care and intensity that they began the release with, Merit Maker truly put their best foot forward. Check it out at the Bandcamp link below.

Top Tracks: False Starts, Mixed Messages, Over And Out

Rating: /10

Merit Maker – Pick Ups and Put Downs CD Review / 2023 Self Released / 10 Tracks / Domain / Bandcamp /

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