Category: Amish Drive By

Posted on: November 27, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Vitro – S/T Sampler [ADB]

This shit is plain bad. I don’t think i have heard this level of crap for a long time. This sampler was produced by once great Danzig and Slayer producer, Rick Rubin, but it seems like as Rick has grown older his taste in music has degraded. This 2 song tape sounds like a bunch of losers trying to emulate psuedo-industrial moron Trent Reznor`s band, Nine Inch Nails. My advise…

Posted on: November 27, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 1

Vinnie! – Used to be Me, Used to Believe [ADB]

This album was created by Jenrazor records, in 1996, and Rodney Riffle may be reached at [email protected], or they may be written to at 181 Nottingham Ct, Westerville OH, 43081. This is a cool Indy rock band with elements of quite a few genres, life Surf Rock, Punk, and Folk. This has odd lyrics intermeshed perfectly with the music that is created by this trio. This band eventually became Fifty-Fifty,…

Posted on: November 26, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Viciousphere – Terror Rising [ADB]

Now a huge band playing on Loud. Viciousphere was once a small band that kicked ass-11 songs in 1995. Really good metal with all sorts of influences, including Metallica, Slayer, Pantera and Alice Cooper. all of the great parts of a band are included here, with fast noticeable bass, fast clear, guitars and great vocals. this albums is depressing because the newest single by VS sounds like White Zombie. The…

Posted on: November 26, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Vic Goddard – Long Term Side Effect [ADB]

This was release in 99 on Tugboat Records, and it has 15 songs. It cost me nothing. Vic Godard has had a long history, from being in the Subway Sect, a British punk band, to now, as a Rock band as Vic Godard. The album is great, mixing reggae with rock with indy with soul. Vic is all over the musical map, drawing from an amazing amount of influences to…

Posted on: November 25, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

SMP/Thine Eyes/Noxious Emotion/Fockewolf Tape [ADB]

Wow…4 similar bands that sound completely different from each other. SMP: This band is the best on the tape. They sound like Hate Dept. and fully pull off the gothic/ GOOD industrial sound. I really hope SMP gets a full length album out, so i can be in pure technical nirvana. Rating:8/10 Noxious Emotion: This band sounds like older Manson, NIN, KMFDM, and Aphex Twin. They are obviously influenced by…

Posted on: November 24, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

V/A – Fictional: A Tribute To The Cure [ADB]

Fictonal- A tribute to the cure Finally, a good tribute album. 99% of the the tribute albums suck, but this one is really good. This is a Swedish Import that i got for $7 at NRM, and it was money well spent. Most of the covers are dance songs, and as a oddity, they have some substance behind them. I guess it is only Brit and American dance that is…

Posted on: November 24, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

V/A – Death Metal is Dead [ADB]

This compilation CD is great, because punk bands cover 80`s metal songs,. These are real metal songs, like Metallica`s “Motorbreath” and “Running Free” by Iron Maiden. There are a few hair band covers, which serious add to an already strong album. This album has 19 tracks. I really recommend picking this album up since, this has a lot of amazingly good sounding bands on teeny tiny labels. Great original shit.…

Posted on: November 23, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

V/A – Compilation Number One : Only When I Pee [ADB]

This tape is a great compilation of different Athens, Ohio bands. The only bad thing about it is that the tape was made in 1995, so most of the bands would no longer be around. This comp has almost every mainstream style of music, from punk to alternative to metal. Its a pretty good tape, and i only had to pay $3 for it in a music store down in…

Posted on: November 23, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Unwritten Law – Blue Room [ADB]

Nice guy punk rock with 5 members. This fits in perfectly with bands on Epitaph and Fat Wreck. They had some talent, but they sold their soul to Epic, was canned, and then signed to Interscope. None of the instruments stand out much because they are too clean sounding, so they mix together. Unwritten Law is not without its charm however, because the songs are not that bad sounding, but…

Posted on: November 22, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

The Unknown – Still Unknown [ADB]

12 song CD on jiffi pop records. Nice guy pop punk in the vein of $parechange of JFT with a little better guitar playing then the former. The bass is audible with well written lines. The guitarist isn’t afraid to some good wailing riffs .The vocals sound like a few other pop punk bands , and the lyrics usually deal with lost love. Some of the songs are actually different…

Posted on: November 22, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

12 Tribes – As Feathers to Flowers and Pedals to Wings [ADB]

The album has 10 songs, and was released in 1999. It cost me nothing. From down in Dayton, 12 tribes kick some serious ass with their unique style of hardcore/metal punk. Screaming seems to mix with good guitar playing and lots of high hat hitting drums. What is really frightening are the lyrics, ranging from love to rejection to nothingness. By far, the best party of 12T is the killer…

Posted on: November 21, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Tubes – Genius of America [ADB]

This is a 12 song CD, released on Popular Records in 1996 by this 5 piece band. All but one of these songs are over 4 minutes long. Odd style of hard rock in the blues vein (read: Bryan Adams and Lynard Skynard) but more musical. Great guitar riffs combine with a gruff voice to make a rough sounding set of songs. The songs are very well written and very…

Posted on: November 21, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Trunk Federation – The Infamous Hamburger Transfer [ADB]

I don’t know what to classify this. I’m guessing indy rock, because its slower and more pop-like then punk. This album is OK, and it doesn’t do anything for me. It wouldn’t make me mosh, but its not bad either. I don’t know what band they sound like.This album gets a 6.5/10. The Infamous Hamburger Transfer, as well as all Trunk Federation albums, are out on Alias Records (

Posted on: November 20, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Teenmilk – S/T [ADB]

This is an 11 song tape, and it was self released. They tout themselves as New York Cities oldest noise band. They are more of an industrial band then a noise band, because noise bands are usually just random noise, while industrial bands have some harmony, and Teenmilk has a little bit. Teenmilk has brutal-sounding riffs, definitely drawing parallels to bands like Overkill and Exodus.This is hate-indsutrial music, in which…

Posted on: November 20, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Tankard – Hair of the Dog [ADB]

This tape is a 10 song complication from 1989, covering Tankards career from 1986-1989. This, as with most good metal albums, is on Noise/Futurist records. They were a German metal band, and their fan club can be reached at: Jochen Graf: Po Box 55 02 62, 6000 Frankfurt #55. the vocals are all delivered by Screaming, and they sound like Metallica, Exodus, Pantera, Megadeth, Autopsy, and Coroner. They had 4…

Posted on: November 19, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Syre – Syre [ADB]

8 song release in 1998 on Golden Garbage Can Records. Light hair rock from these guys from London Ontario. They sound like Poison, Scorpions, Motley Crue, and Warrant, complete with some great wank-o-rama guitar solos and excellent guitar lines.Syre has a great sound that should have been in 19898. The vocalist at times sounds like Bret from poison, and at other times sounds like the lead singer of the Scorpions.”Hard…

Posted on: November 19, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

The Suicide Machines – Live Live Live / Definition of Destruction [ADB]

Ahh….the ever popular poser band The Suicide Machines. I know i am going to piss off the legions of their fans, but i thought TSM are mediocre punk that just to get famous, put horns in their band. All their songs start off good, but then it just goes into bad 3rd wave ska. The only indication that i have heard that TSM are good are 2 songs, one off…

Posted on: November 18, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Stronghold – S/T [ADB]

This band I know since my dad works with one of the guys in it. I was blown away the first time i heard it. This band is seriously good and very heavy. This music is throw you on your ass and kick you in the nuts metal. I like this band a lot. I give this tape an 8 out of a 10 since they totally kick ass. Track…

Posted on: November 18, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Stadden’s Bridge – S/T [ADB]

10 songs on Army Ant Records in 99. Aside from the sickening religious liner notes, the band is pretty cool. I have been able to see these guys live a few times, and they kick ass. “Wishful Thinking” sounds like a song fit for 120 minutes with an excellent groove and a sound like the Crash Test Dummies with 70s country. Excellent song to start out the disc out with,…

Posted on: November 18, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

SSD – Power [ADB]

The album was released in 1992 on Taang Records ,with 29 songs spanning all of SSD’s career. If you dont know, SSD was formed in 1981 and released 4 albums before breaking up in 1985. Really fast punk, shittily recorded but with great guitars and screaming vocals. The lyrics are hard to understand, and SSD sounds influenced by Surf/Rockabilly guitaring. In fact their guitars are more close to Surf music…