Posted on: April 15, 2012 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Oberhofer is a band that is tremendously capable at what they do. They are able to take on a variety of different musical styles and genres, creating a cohesive entity with their Time Capsules II. Whether touching on new wave, punk, surf (Beach Boys meets Turtles), or straight rock, Oberhofer are able to speak directly to their listeners.

Oberhofer plays to the wide expanses; with arrangements that look to the skies coupled with epic arrangements, listeners will be transported to the stars. Haus and Homebro, the disc’s final two tracks, tie everything together perfectly. Through the creation of new tracks with bits and pieces of older ones, Oberhofer’s skill as musicians is verified. I Could Go has a sound distinct from decades of pop music through its heavy use of a xylophone, while Cruising FDR will provide listeners with a sunny demeanor (an absolute necessity, with spring doing nothing more than tease individuals that it is not summer). Heart began the album and introduces new fans to Oberhofer’s distinct musical stylings; while it is not as experimental or as crazy as what follows, it may just be how the band gets their hooks into fans.

Make sure to pick up a copy of Time Capsules II whenever you get paid, and see the band at their next local concert. The unique experience that one is presented with on Time Capsules II makes this a must-listen, while I personally wonder where the band will go on subsequent albums. Here’s to wishing the best for Oberhofer; spin Away Frm U a few times to see why more need to listen to the act.

Top Tracks: Away Frm U, Cruising FDR

Rating: 8.3/10

Oberhofer – Time Capsules II (CD) / 2012 Glassnote / 10 Tracks /

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