Posted on: May 1, 2012 Posted by: John B. Moore Comments: 0

Thanks to the new Tim Burton/Johnny Depp movie, the late 60’s/early 70’s vampire soap Dark Shadows is finally getting some much needed mainstream pop culture love. Granted there have been some diehard fans over the past few decades, but the proto-goth TV series has never had the opportunity to reach such a wide audience before now (despite some unfortunate reboots of the series). So it makes perfect sense that the old series would be trotted out again on DVD, including a $500 box set, thanks to the big budget spotlight Burton and Depp will be shining on the classic.

Even if you aren’t a fan yet, between the hysterical, low budget effects and flimsy scenery, the goofy, but addictive as hell storylines about vampires, werewolves and every other creature imaginable, you can’t help but root for the little show that could. With over 1,000 episodes hitting the market, you could invent a drinking game and take a swig every time you see a boom mic (or oblivious stage hand) appear in the shot.

Along with the massive 131-DVD box set, packaged in a coffin appropriately enough, MPI is also giving those short on cash the chance to catch up through the Fan Favorites and Best of Barnibus collections. Both should do just fine. Sweet dreams.

Dark Shadows – Fan Favorites and Best of Barnabas/1 DVD each/180 mins each/MPI Home Video/2012

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