Posted on: May 1, 2012 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0


The type of punk rock that the CONVALESCENTS play is insane; the energy brought to listeners with the opening strains of Scratch Scratch is reminiscent of 1039-era Green Day and Bad Religion. The tightness of the band is made more visible through a solid overall production. This production ensures that each part of the band is able to shine, be it vocals, drums, or guitars.

The band is able to look back at the late-nineties punk movement and provide it with a vibrancy and a vitality that is unparalleled; with each sub-three minute track, I feel that the CONVALESCENTS are able to possess that much more energy and momentum for the latter registers of the album. Scoundrel begins in a more nuanced way than others of its ilk; I like how the band is able to showcase their ability of musicians even as the Welt-esque melodies belt listeners.

Where a number of bands begin to peter out at the end of their albums, I feel that the CONVALESCENTS are able to keep listeners’ attentions throughout. The close scattershot that comprise each of the 10 tracks on Armageddon will create a legion of fans; I feel that the band has a collection of hits on their hands. Listeners should find out whether the CONVALESCENTS are coming to your neck of the woods; I believe that the energy and fury brought here would even be more in your face and stark given a live format. Regardless, Armageddon is the best punk title that we have reviewed this year; it’s nice to see that some bands still give a damn. Pick up a copy of Armageddon from the band.

Top Tracks: Scratch Scratch, She’s A Gun

Rating: 8.4/10

CONVALESCENTS – Armageddon (CD) / 2012 Self / 10 Tracks /


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