Simultaneously elusive and earnest, Yola Fatoush‘s deconstructed electronic art-pop thrives off duo’s infatuation with implementing opposing textures and dynamics: loud/quiet, tense/soothing, male/female, major/minor, austerity/chaos, positive/negative, conflicted/resolved – embracing the elements at odds. Up Out Of It is a wildly diverse offering, evoking a feeling of ascent though the tension. The secular gospel and murky dub techno structures that unfold on the opener “Eagle Works” set you up for an album of original zig-zagging pop informed by futurist club sounds drawing upon mutant strains of dancehall, Chicago house, contemporary R&B, ballroom, juke, and pre-So Solid UK garage. In the deepest part of album’s valley lies their Robert Owens cover, “I’m Chained”, transforming the club track into something abstracted yet deeply soulful. The pace picks up again with the Balearic leaning “Come Forward” before the energy peaks with the 2-steppin R&B-pop of “Vibrant” and the chaotic rhythms turned nervous circuit funk of “Strix Nebulosa”. TIP!
VISIT and SHOP their excellent and FUN website NOW
“It’s R&B ripped apart and reconstructed with all the bits in the wrong order – great”
-The Guardian UK
“Unpredictability – the unanticipated, the unexpected – is what a lot of people look for in music. Something different, something that will surprise. But what is most surprising about London’s Yola Fatoush is their apparent reluctance to conform to “experimentation” in its more overt calibrations. There is no atonality, no apparent aggression in their music. Their songs channel pop and R’n’B in the most unusual sense: neither with a regressive sentimentality or with the irony of pastiche. Yola Fatoush perceive themselves as part of a pop tradition, despite the obvious unconventionality of their music. Indeed they seem to cherish this ambiguity.”
-Tank Magazine
“Yola Fatoush are looney.”
– No Fear Of Pop
“They make immersive, transcendental trip-outs that weave diverse, unpredictable rhythms with rich chord progressions into intricate dance structures.”
– Rough Trade Shops
Yola Fatoush
Up Out Of It
out April 29th on Time No Place