Posted on: May 20, 2013 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0


The Exhibitionists is a title that is incredibly meta in that it captures the exploits of a filmmaker, Walter Todd, (Richard Short, 666) as ey delves into increasingly blue subject matter. Capturing the dark side of everyone at a holiday party, Todd is able to titillate as well as education. The Exhibitionists captures the creative process as well as the relationship between the filmer and those being filmed, showcasing the lengths that individuals will go to feel accepted in their circle of friends. Nowhere has there been a film that has looked at the creation of cinema so candidly, and The Exhibitionists is able to push salient points through the fictional narrative that the title covers. The Exhibitionists exists in the junction of

There are a number of bonus features that can be found on this DVD. This means that there is a further look into the characters introduced during the film (“Who Are The Exhibitionists?”) along with an intricate audio commentary that is laid down by the film’s director, Michael Melamedoff. The value of The Exhibitionists increases considerably with the inclusion of a download link for the soundtrack, along with an additional interview conducted with Richard Short and Melamedoff.

The Unrated Limited Edition of The Exhibitionists can be purchased at any well-stocked independent video store or from a slew of online retailers. The title is unrated, so make sure to find something for children / younger siblings to do while watching The Exhibitionists.

Rating: 7.6/10

The Exhibitionists Unrated Limited Edition DVD Review / 2013 Brinkdvd / 88 Minutes /

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