Posted on: August 17, 2013 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0


Bones of the Buddha is an hour-long feature under the Secrets of the Dead nomen that probes the mystery of Kapilavastu, a Shakya settlement described to be where Gautama Buddha spent eir formative years. This hour-long documentary delves deep into the mystery of the land. This documentary argues that Willie Peppe, an estate manager, had found the previously lost settlement of Buddha’s family. The house is now in Thailand, and contains a number of artifacts that have been purported to be from the era of Buddha, if not possessions of the Buddha eirself. Charles Allen, a historian, links specific bits and pieces of the Birdpore House to what scholars know about Kapilavastu.

The documentary ultimately comes to the conclusion that the relics that were found on the Peppe estate were legitimate possessions of Buddha, with the crowning jewel of the collection being foundational for understanding the Buddha’s formative years. The video is must-see for those that wish to know about the historical realities of the Buddha, for anyone in high school or higher educational levels. Viewers will get an education about a historical site and be provided with a good sense of the relevance of that site in ancient and modern eras.


Visit the Shoppbs website to purchase this DVD or to see the variety of their other new releases; the documentary can be purchased for $22.99.

Rating: 9.4/10

Secrets of the Dead Bones of the Buddha DVD Review / 2013 PBS / 60 Minutes /

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