Posted on: September 4, 2014 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Tour De Fall is a refreshing pale all that pours with a lingering white head and an amber/reddish coloration. The nose of Tour De Fall is sweet, sugary, and ends with the slightest hop notes. The initial sip of the Tour De Fall is refreshing and provides the same dichotomy between sweet and hops. I feel that this beer does something for everyone – it has a hop backbone for fans of India Pale Ales, while keeping the beer’s finish sweet in much the same way as an ESB. As the beer warms up, the hops move to the end of each sip, ensuring that imbibers have a refreshed palette for subsequent quaffs. The beer’s 6.0% ABV is sufficient enough to provide warmth during the early days of fall, while the beer does nicely as a thirst quencher. The beers’ complex array of flavors ensures that one could purchase a six pack and enjoy every drop; Tour De Fall has as many twists and turns as there are colors on the ground during the autumn months.

Make sure to check out New Belgium Clips, a beer and film tour that will be going through the south through the rest of September and into November. The brewery’s website has a ton of information about their efforts, seasonal and year-round.

Rating: 8.5/10

Tour De Fall / Pale Ale / New Belgium / 6% ABV /

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