Posted on: December 9, 2014 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

There Is No Other God has a tremendous instrumental side, with considerably more complex and intricate interplays between the synth, bass, and vocals than other similar efforts; it is this care and dedication that is taken in the creation of the songs on Miracles Still Happen that will get the most listeners interested in what the act has to say. Freedom Released is a bouncy, bassy track that unites a bevy of different styles and approach into an alluring and hooky composition; the gospel meets R&B and pop tack taken here will capture the minds and hearts of anyone that is fortunate enough to listen in.61uMHOmCCtL._SL500_AA280_

Jesus Son of God is one of the strongest tracks on Miracles Still Happen, and the track’s extended length (a hair over 5 minutes) slips away incredibly fast. Listeners will have the melodies ringing around their heads for hours after the album has ceased to spin. The unique flavor of the track bridges the gap between traditional and contemporary, meaning that listeners of all ages and tastes will be able to find something that they can appreciate on this cut.

Miracles Still Happen is available from Amazon, iTunes, and the Google Play store. Make it a point to check out their website for more information about the act, their believes, and any new recordings or information that the act may share. Miracles Still Happen is a solid effort from beginning to end, with a production that allows the distinct elements of the act to shine through and a vim and vigor that imbues each of the songs on Miracles Still Happen with an intensity that simply cannot be matched.

Top Tracks: There Is No Other God, The Lord is My Shepard

Rating: 8.5/10

Healing Rain Worship Team Miracles Still Happen CD / 2014 Self / 8 Tracks / / /

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