Posted on: July 31, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

When we receive an electronic press kit from a band, it usually ends up in the trashcan unless there is something that separates the act from the other 100 that clog up our inbox every day. Part of the decision about whether we ultimately interview or review the performer concerns the visual component – what does their logo elicit from us, how does their website engage readers, and what does their initial pitch say? A number of artists will send us a plain text mail with no links, no pictures, and no idea about what they want to do. Picking a firm to assist with the contact and visual components is essential for getting editors like myself to assign one’s CD, EP, or single to a review.

Feron Media offers musicians a wide variety of tools to increase their online presence. Whether an act, performer, or musician wants a domain created, a mobile app pushed live, or videos crafted to match a single, Feron Media can quickly and accurately ensure that the finished product meets specifications. Aside from providing these services, the company also weighs in on ground-breaking titles that assist with the establishment of a new mindset. These titles  can re-map the ways that individuals interact with individuals to allow for a greater amount of success in personal and business life.

Aside from giving visitors to Feron Media’s website ample information about paradigm-shifting works, the FM domain also lists a wide variety of resources that will coordinate e-mail lists, establish greater online presence, provide accessible and intuitive webhosting, and craft logos and other graphics for one’s business that reflect the services being offered.

For the latest in information regarding the tools that Feron Media offers, visit the company’s Instagram and Twitter profiles. The firm also offers the ability for visitors to sign up for their listserv, which contains greater discussion of successful tactics, new services, and the best practices.

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